We understand that applying for a car loan is no small task. It can be overwhelming finding the perfect car loan for you and knowing how to go about it. Whether you’re car shopping now or planning to in the near future, let us break it down for you and give you all the information you need to purchase your dream car.
Are You Eligible?
Before you apply for a car loan at Blink, there are a few things you need to check to make sure you are eligible.
You must:
- Be 18 years of age or over when you apply
- Be applying for a loan of $5,000 or more
- Be a permanent Australian resident or hold a valid working visa (457 or other accepted visa)
- Be currently employed, self-employed or a self-funded retiree
- Not be currently bankrupt
What You Need When Applying for a Car Loan
Here’s a list of details to have handy when applying for a car loan at Blink Finance.
You must have:
- Current photo identification
Proof of identity is essential. This can be any identity document that includes a photograph of the applicant, such as a licence.
- A current employer’s name and address
Your current employer’s name and address is necessary for your application.
- Previous employer’s details
If you have changed jobs in the last three years, you need to provide your past employer’s details.
- Income, expenses, assets and liabilities (such as other current loans or credit cards)
You will need to provide us with your income, expenses, assets and liabilities, such as current loans or credit cards.
If you are interested in finding a car loan at the best rate possible, give us a call on 1300 827 848 or simply complete our online application form. It’s easy.